compulsive vagrant…

It struck me the other day (mired deep in an existential funk, sulking about mortality and life choices) as I packed my duffle bags for yet another relocation, that being homeless by choice rather than by circumstance is actually a bit of a luxury. Especially in the pandemic era we are living through with its … Continue reading compulsive vagrant…


Back in Dubbo for a week now - a city of endless straight lines and unforgiving heat - these first 10 days of re-entry spent in a seesawing fever/fugue state brought on by the lightning fast onslaught of influenza picked up on Day 1 in Christchurch.  No, it wasn't Coronavirus just a vicious flu and … Continue reading processing…

f*cking tourists…

What a pack of bastards! They come to your country, spend a few days running around seeing the tourist sights, read a few Wikipedia articles (at the very least a travel mag article) and then have the gall to constantly Instagram or Facebook the living fuck out of the mundane places where you work, have … Continue reading f*cking tourists…


Its been almost 24 hours of solid rain here in Chiang Mai and my third soaking by traffic this morning alone. It appears inevitable that no matter what I do today, I will get soaked. Just as well that I wore the fancy swimming shorts. I hadn't even had my first coffee of the day  … Continue reading rain…